SBC Waste Solutions publishes monthly news articles that are related to the company and the Chicago waste industry.
The History and Importance of the Commercial Dumpster
The commercial dumpster was revolutionary because it decreased the amount of labor needed to collect and transport debris and other waste by as much as 75%. Before the advent of the dumpster, sanitation workers shoveled waste onto flatbed trucks as the method for hauling waste.
How High Gas Prices Affect the Garbage Industry
Gas prices affect every aspect of every industry because the global economy is highly dependent on energy. The garbage industry is no exception. Gas is one of the most important factors that empower trash pickup and recycling. Here are some ways in which high gas can affect the garbage industry.
5 Benefits Of Front Load Garbage Trucks
The two most common types of garbage trucks are front load trucks and rear loads. Front load garbage trucks are an excellent option for many different businesses and organizations because of their versatility and effectiveness. Choosing the right truck is an important decision. You want to choose a vehicle that fits your budget
Recycling the Right Way
There are many ways in which recycling non-renewable resources such as glass, paper, plastic, and aluminum benefits the environment. Recycling decreases the amount of waste that ends up in landfill. Over time, refuse in landfills deteriorates and pollutes the air, the soil, and water supplies.
The Rapid Growth of A Chicago Waste Hauler
SBC is a Chicago waste hauler that has experienced exponential growth since it started in 2018 and has won some prestigious awards for their growth this year. We are thrilled to see what 2022 brings us. We look forward to continuing to grow the company